Monday, December 19, 2011

30 - Before - 30

I have seen a number of posts lately on 30-before-30 or 30-while-30, and I just love this idea of this. It's a list of things that you want to accomplish before (or while) you are 30 years old. Dudes, I am a list-maker. If I don't have my to-do list, I feel a little lost. And when I can check something off the list, oh man, I feel so good!

Since I'm not quite 30 yet, I'm going to start on that 30-before-30 list. Which actually means I have less than 6 months to complete it. But here's the deal: the things on this list don't need to be complicated. And I feel like I need to simplify my life a little, so I'm going to try to keep these goals ... well, simple.

Food / Cooking
1. Attempt a jelly (or other type of) roll. (I'm not sure if this will be possible in my convection oven. Maybe it will just be a mini-roll).
2. Try a spaghetti squash.
3. Post a recipe every other week.
4. Try eggplant.
5. Make a beautiful beverage using our very nice Applejack Brandy.
6. Sometimes exchange coffee for tea.
7. Make a conscious effort to cut down on meat, dairy, and oils.
8. Try a brand-new cookie recipe.

Health / Fitness
9. 90 minutes of elliptical or running per week.
10. Reach that elusive 125 lb goal.
11. 30 minutes of yoga per week.
12. Make an effort to do more vegetarian eating.
13. Complete the Couch-2-5K program.

Life in General
14. Go to 1 NYC Museum. (I have not done this once since we moved here in 2009!)
15. Spend more time petting and cuddling the boys.
16. Try to go on a date every other month. (So that's 3 dates. Doable.)
17. See a movie at Kew Gardens Cinema. Sneaking in popcorn optional.
18. See 1 movie off my "must-see list" each month.
19. Send 1 personal email or e-card to a friend each month.
20. Read something before bed that is not for school.
21. Write in a journal once a week.

22. Submit at least one paper to a journal.
23. Submit one conference proposal.
24. See the full David Lynch oeuvre.
25. Take more deep breaths.
26. Go to 1 Happy Hour or Coffee with everyone. We need to relax more.

27. See 1 play. I can check this off already! We went to see Accidental Shakespeare Company's Much Ado About Nothing on Saturday night.
28. Look around during The Justice Project and appreciate what it is we do.
29. Concentrate on specificity and reference in the learning and speaking of my lines.
30. Speak from the heart. And sometimes head. And sometimes loins (which is what I really need to work on. Shut up.)


  1. I really like this. I have been thinking about doing something like this too. I guess I need to write it down to make it real :)

    I think you have inspired me!
    ~ Brooke

  2. thanks, brooke! i think it's so inspiring. i printed mine out so i can actually look at it. i know if it's just here, i'll never see it.
