Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sausage Scramble

I got this recipe from someone when I was in college. It's so easy I never actually wrote down a recipe for it. And P named it the Sausage Scramble after a few times making it for us. Here it is, sans exact measurements. I told you so.

4 of those big Italian sausage links
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 15(ish) oz (or whatever that size is ...14.5? 15?) can of diced tomatoes
3 cups rice, cooked

chop chop

Oh right ... I put a few spoonfuls of Sofrito Tomato Base in there too.
I used to do the sausage separate from the veg. Squeeze the sausage out of the casing and use a wooden spoon to "chunk" it up. Cook until super crispy. Today, however, with no more than one working burner ... I sauteed the onion in a little olive oil, then tossed in the sausage to cook with the onion. Worked out ok.

Add tons of spices here. Whatever you like. Absolutely no measurements here, sorry. I just shake 'em in. Salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, herbes de provence, basil, parsley, thyme, garlic and onion powder, oregano, and some sage. I love spices.

1.5 cups of dry rice into the rice cooker with 3 cups or so of water, pinch of salt, black pepper, and herbes de provence. Tasty rice in about 20 minutes!

Meanwhile I was waiting and waiting for the stupid hot plate to quite cycling on and off and just heat the darn sausage already! At some point I tossed in the green pepper and the can of tomatoes. But the darn burner was still not working. So into a pie plate and into the convection oven it went -- 350 for about 20 minutes.

Served with some fresh-grated parmesan and some Italian bread. We had a lovely meal with 2 glasses of cabernet sauvignon and The Incredibles.

Yes, that's my head-shadow. I'll get better at this.

We took a break to make some Pumpkin Gingersnaps. Recipe coming soon.